Do you remember your high school/college lit class?
Well then, you may remember Waiting for Godot in which two people wait for Godot who never comes and the "truth" keeps shifting about when he will come and who has talked to whom or if he really exists etc. This experience has been our Godot. Insurance people who have issued Alex a card informing him he is insured but denying he is part of the "system". Cedars- Sinai clasping him to their hospital bosom and then saying "OOPs sorry Dude-- did we say we'd treat you?....well, no." It has gone on and on and we hope we have reached a point where entities (like hospitals and insurance) will fully recognize his existence and DEAL WITH IT.
Until his first appointment at Keck USC (who we hope has now recognized his existence) all we can do is feed him good food, lots of meds and try to stave off the boredom for all involved. The other day, since we are sitting around waiting in a relatively small condo, I suggested to Michael that we take a short road trip. "I don't know if we should leave Alex though. Do you think the guys will feel we are ditching on them?" We gently broached the subject and they practically jumped for joy which engendered a number of conflicting emotions in me. But, what the hell. let's get out of here.
We decided to go to Big Bear Lake for a number of reasons: 1 ) It was only a couple of hours away; 2). It was out of season so fewer people would be there; 3) because it was moff season we could get a really big, comfy place on VRBO for $79 per night which is less than you pay for a car wash in LA (well $15 more to be truthful-- but that's the striped down wash).
It was pretty boring. But relaxing. Unless you are skiing (no snow), swimming/waterskiing (too cold), hiking (too old) you are consigned to doing things like taking a ride on Miss Liberty, a faux paddle wheeler, to explore the wonders of the seven mile, manmade lake. The endlessly cheerful Captain regaled us with tales of the Lake. That was also pretty boring. Famous people who have had houses there: 1) the guy who voiced Elmer Fudd; 2) Olivia Newton John -- ugliest house on the lake and that is saying something; 3) Ron Howard -- he sold. And little wonder. On a seven mile lake there are at least 9 large marinas and several boat launch sites. This is not a large lake. Come July, this Lake will make Winnipesaukee look like On Golden Pond. Our New England friends will get that. So we ate some food, drank some wine and tried to forget that we would have to return to the land of insurance hell.
We stopped to take this photo of Silverwood Lake on our trip... |
and saw these wildflowers as well. |
Carved statues of bears seemed to be a common theme. Some wood carver must have been very busy making all of these. This was of course the most iconic. |
There was very little snow left on the slopes. Very small snow pack this year -- a harbinger of big fires. |
Given the size I am not sure why they call these cabins. |
This industrial looking "cabin" was owned by Olivia Newton John. |
While the basement of this cabin was a speakeasy during prohibition. |
This "cabin" comes complete with its own totem pole. |
The North shore of Big Bear Lake also had some "cabins" which were quite large. |
Big Bear Lake also has an observatory, but even more impressive were the comfort stations (one of which is shown on the right) for boaters. No need to go to shore to relieve oneself. |
We will leave you with this view of the San Bernadino mountains looking west as we headed back to face insurance hell. |
And insurance hell it was. I spent two solid days on the phone with an array of bureaucrats and naysayers that would have induced rage in Mother Theresa (bless her soul). At the conclusion of this verbal mano a mano, Deirdre lifted her gloves in the air and declared victory in that Alex was finally "in the system" and would be issued a card which would, hopefully, be his passport to liver transplant bliss. We'll see.
It is now the beginning of June and, dare I say it, things are looking up a bit. We had a gap in appointments (well actually this three months has been one long gap in appointments) and after my theoretically successful war on insurance we flew home to Ajijic briefly. We were way overdue to see the myriad medical personnel that our advanced ages require and to visit with as many of our Ajijic pals as we could jam into a few days. All went well and we returned to LA to begin what we hope is a round of appointments that will actually accomplish something. We shall keep. you posted. We hope you enjoy the photos which in large part have absolutely nothing to do with the medical/insurance tempest we have experienced. After all, it is spring moving to summer, the pandemic is waning, the current President (he really IS President you weirdos) is sane and we all deserve to see some pretty pictures. Hasta pronto mis amigos.
Update: So now it IS summer --time flies when you are having a medical crisis. Alex is now fully "in the system" and being scanned, EKG'd, blood let and infused in all ways.Justin has signed up to be his live donor (if compatible) and that will move along once Alex's tests are done. So, we'll let you know what happens next when it happens. The family went to Rosarito Beach (over the border in Mexico) for a long Father's Day weekend and breaking the monotony was a good thing. Hope your summer is going well. Take care.
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