As I was returning from yet another disturbing trip to Soriana (the department store that has nothing) and was headed through downtown Chapala, I was assaulted by the sound of honking horns and multiple speakerphone announcements in rapid (and to me unfathomable) Spanish. I noted that pedestrians had flocked to curbside and were peering inquisitively down the street. And then I saw it.
A giant red truck with huge letters spelling out El Circo Americano. The circus was coming to town! Now you are envisioning the red cages with the flowery lettering and the requisite lions and tigers. The elephants trunk to tail. The exquisite white horses with the plumes. Nope. Not here. In lieu of red circus wagons, there were white trailers used to haul -- well, I don't really know what but circus animals would not have been my first guess. And what circus animals they were! Llamas. Many, many llamas. A camel (looking very weary) co-habitating with a shetland pony. Several mismatched horses. There were dogs running alongside the procession but it was Chapala so it's hard to say if they were part of the circus or just part of Chapala. Inexplicably, a propane truck had somehow incorporated itself into the circus procession and it seized the moment by tooting its horn raucously while the driver and assistant waved and smiled at the crowd. And then I saw it. The hippo. A man in the truck pulling the hippo trailer would periodically throw a pail of water on the hippo which it clearly enjoyed as it would open its mouth in delight.
The traffic light turned and I continued my journey puzzling on what possible kind of act they could do with a hippo. Could you ride it? Would it dance? Jumping through flaming hoops seemed out of the question. I was intrigued but not enough to actually go to the circus to find out. I mean, I'd read Water for Elephants (remember that fire?) and am well acquainted with the lack of safety regulations in our new homeland. Going to the circus would be like signing my own death warrant. So, I reconciled myself to the fact that it would just be another one of those things that remain unknowable in Mexico. Hippos in the Circus -- what is their role?
Then, two days later, I had another chance to get up close and personal with the circus. I was in Jasmine going over my order for a chaise lounge pad and pillows when the now familiar cacophony of the Circus Parade sounded in our little village of Ajijic. Quickly finishing up business I raced a block to the Carreterra (main road) and the parade had pulled over to the curb so that the denizens could gawk to their hearts content. I whipped out my cell phone and managed to capture the wonderful shots you see below. Pleased as punch that I would be able to share this experience with all of you, I rushed home.
Nancy, our housekeeper, was there and I told her all about the Circus parade. I asked her about the unusual animal selections that the Circus had and she enlightened me, as she so often does, about the realities of life in Mexico. "Do you know how much meat a lion eats?" We can only afford llamas in our circuses. They don't eat much." I knew I had to ask her. "Nancy, what does the hippo do in the Circus?" "Oh, they put a chair on it's back and let the children ride on it like a pony." "Nancy, Jesus, do you know hippos kill more people in Africa than any other animal? And they let children ride on hippos here?" "Well, yes. There must be some nice hippos because I have never heard of one that killed a child." Okay, just let it go. Breath in deeply.
Just tried to upload additional photos and realized I had hit the video button on the iPhone. Apple has an app for everything but idiotic users. You will have to just imagine the llamas, camel (weary,weary camel) et al.
Quick Notes:
* Had another party. This one for Michael's Kayak Club's 1st year anniversary. About 30 people. This house is great for parties and this, apparently, is a town that likes to party.
* Planning a trip to the Colonial Silver Cities with pals Stanley and Luzma. Luzma is from St. Luis Potosi so it will be like having our own private tour guide. Should result in some good photos and tales for the blog. Early September.
* Heading for the coast for a day or two this week with Kent. Should be unspeakably hot and humid but, hey that's what the Ocean is for. Will report on all adventures next week.
Take care and have a good week. More soon.
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Hippo --- at the circus? |
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Hippo on parade |